The Dictionary.com link is up there, but it defines virtuoso as; 1)A musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style. 2)A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts. 3)A person with a strong interest in the fine arts, especially in antiquities. 4)Archaic. A very learned person.
When Wook first told me this, and used it as a kind of insult, I was puzzled for nearly a year. I thought about it on and off for months, wondering what he meant. I mean, it seems like being virtuoso would be a good thing for a band to be, why was he using it as a negative? I always meant to ask him about it, but of course, being always stoned, I would never remember to ask when I was talking to him, and so the question languished in the back of my brain. By the time I asked him in this post, we had both forgotten the word. Months later, I finally remembered it and got the answer I was looking for from him.
Wookiee said that in his opinion they do more than they should when it comes to their jams. Which for fans is of course the best part of the live show and highlights the fundamental difference in our musical enjoyment of Dave (This is why I hope to make enough money this year to take him to Gorge this summer. I'd like him to experience the music live and see if it changes his mind.). Anyway, Wookiee tends to believe that with the jams, less is more. To which I say, that really, only more is more.