So the Conservatives won a small majority government last night. Sigh. Harper closed his victory speech with "God bless Canada." That's fucking disgusting. The vote reminded me of America's last presidential election where the rural areas (who are also least likely to be effected by terrorism) voted Republican and the urban areas voted Democratic. Here we got the urban areas voting Liberal and the rural areas voting Conservative. I knew Canada was starting to feel less like Canada, and this election proved it. The rural people have decided that we need a god-love spouting, right-wing, America butt kisser tarnishing our image around the world. I think it's been over 15 years since a Prime Minister in Canada has had the gall to bring up his religious beliefs in a political context. That's not how things are supposed to be done up here, we're happily accustomed to a clear separation between church and state. Harper is all about taking away the rights of women and homosexuals. He's trying to erase the fact that he was always pro-invasion of Iraq. He wants to reduce social spending. He thinks we should be modeling ourselves after America. All this, when the world has finally evolved to a point where we're starting to realize that the opposite is better. I actually feel a little sick to my stomach today. I already feel like I'm living in a different country than I did yesterday. We've switched from a fiscally conservative, socially liberal government to the opposite. For the past 12 years, I've gotten used to living in a liberal left-leaning land. In fact, the Liberals had governed Canada for the majority of the past hundred years. The oppressive cloud of right-wing ideology is looming, and I couldn't be more pissed off.
Globe and Mail column about Harper/America posted on
John Chuckman column posted on Canadian Content Harper/God
Charles Adler's column on the same topic.