I'm not sure I can recall ever seeing this many Vancouverites excited about a month straight of rain. Most years people are indifferent. We're used to the constant rain in the winter, but excited? That's rare. Locals have been hoping that a 1953 record of 28 consecutive days of rain would be met and surpassed. Yesterday would have been the 28th day of rain here, but it was disappointingly sunny all day. The kicker is that it's been raining all night, and it looks like it will continue to rain all day, and through the week. Our record attempt has just started back up at 1 day of rain. The city mourns. Or as my friend put it, "It sucks! I wanted it go 40 days and 40 nights, build and ark, and get all Noah on your ass!"
For the record, it did actually rain in many parts of Vancouver yesterday, just not where meteorologists measure rainfall.