The news has bored me lately. I still read cbc.ca every day, and there actually have been interesting things going on, such as the Pluto probe being launched, new stars around Polaris found, a University of Prince Edward Island professor offering his students a B- (70%) if they didn't come to class, Yamaha Motor Co. was raided by police for allegedly sending military helicopters to China without cabinet approval, the isolated Munduruku people of Brazil have a "spontaneous understanding of geometrical concepts" without having previously been exposed to geometry which supports Plato's chronicled tests of geometric intuition done 2,400 years ago, and the Stardust space capsule, "the first spacecraft to return to Earth with comet dust", arrived containing "more than a million specks of dust from stars and comets". Lots of stuff like that, but I think the problem has been that the election wind down was in full effect, which means that political rhetoric was in high gear. I really tried to tune most of it out, I'm amazed that people learn nothing from the past and still believe that election promises mean something. Regardless, today is the day we all go out and vote (or at least 55% of us) and decide who the next Prime Minister will be. Now that the day is finally here, I'm actually a little anxious to see how it all plays out. I hope this country doesn't go all right-wing on me as part of some reactionary bullshit. Either way, at least the campaign machines will be put back in storage for a little while.