Sometimes I have theme days, I thought it was Election today, but it turns out it's Names...unless I post about the election again tonight. Wookiee & Co. have decided to name their dog Otter. Braemar and I do not approve. I didn't think any of my suggestions were great either, but hell, they were better than Otter! Braemar believes that you can't name a pet using the common name of another animal. I countered that you can name a cat Tiger, and he agrees that at least in that case, it's the same family of animals. Now I'm not into absolutes like Braemar, so I wouldn't say that you can never name an animal another animal, I just think that in this case, it doesn't work. I had the opportunity to hear Wookiee use it on the dog in person. It fit even less when I experienced it first hand. Oh well. It's not my dog. However, Braemar and I can not bring ourselves to call the pup by it's given name. We are pulling a Wookiee on Wookiee à la Pimp Dog Rat Weasel.
Years ago, when one of Wook's old housemates, Ttebroc Ttam (a.k.a. Hugs or Huggy Bear), got a cat and declared its name to be Jesse, we all cried foul. While Hugs insisted on calling the cat Jesse, we renamed her Pimp Dog Rat Weasel, or Pimp Dog for short. As far as we were concerned, that was her name. We always referred to her as Pimp Dog and it eventually became her name.
So if Wook had no problem overriding someone's pet naming then with his own preferred name, he should really hold no grudge against us for doing it now. Of course he will though, it is Wookiee after all, and not even his own rules apply to him. Braemar and I haven't finalized what we'll be calling his dog yet, but we both thought it would be apropos to reference the Pimp Dog naming incident, and Braemar likes the idea of naming it after a different animal. So our first short-listed name for the dog is Jesse the Giraffe.