First the good news. I was told by my boss yesterday afternoon that they want me to keep coming in to work and that they would find some way to pay me until the HR glitch is fixed. This could take anywhere from two weeks to two months, so I hope they 'find some way' to pay me until then. Okay, so last night when I got home I started to unpack my bag and clean some stuff up in my place so that I could upload pictures, blog, do some online banking, etc. I was enjoying some music and on a cleaning roll when, bink, the power went out. I live in a fairly wooded area and the having the power go out is nothing unusual. Often it comes back on just as I've finally felt my way through the dark to the oil lamps and lit a match to get them going. So last night I waited in the dark for a few minutes before going to light lamps and candles, but the power stayed out. My dad had taken my car and I didn't have a battery operated radio so I had no idea what was happening or how long it would last. I didn't want to ride my motorcycle somewhere either because with the power off, so was the alarm. An unidentified woman broke into my house twice this year (a long story I won't get into here) so I didn't want to leave the place undefended. Instead I reclined on the couch in the kitchen and listened for signs of an intruder. The house started to get cold, but maybe it wasn't as cold as I thought because of my acclimatization to Cuban weather. It's amazing how little there is to do at night when you don't have electricity. The lamp lighting was too dim to do any reading, and I was pretty tired anyway, so I just gave up hope of the power coming back on and went to bed. When I woke up this morning everything was back online, so I hope that tonight, I will finally be able to see if I took any decent pictures in Cuba. Either that or you'll likely find me at the Canadian Tire buying a generator.