Hey Wookiee, since your internet is down and I can't send you an instant message I'll just write to you here to see when you're back online. I just downloaded a song that got left off Dave Matthews' album, Some Devil, called Cigarette Lit that I know you'll hate but you have to listen to anyway. Well, you'll probably hate it, because it has a cheery sound about it and is much too sun and trampolines for you I know, but c'mon, like I'm not gonna make you listen to it? So when you're back online I'll send it to you over messenger and you can tell me how Dave Matthews is too, what's the word again? I love it but I can't remember it right now. At the moment I keep thinking 'obtuse', like when Tim Robbins' character in the Shawshank Redemption asks the warden; "How can you be so obtuse?". You'll have to remind me what the word actually was when I send you the file. Now I leave with the glowy feeling of anticipation for the Winter Tour. Talk to you later, Spage.