My first tattoo, done at Tattoo Art in Kitchener, Ontario. This one encircles my right forearm.

This one is on the inside of my left forearm. I got it at a random parlour in New York a few of years ago on the spur of the moment. I'm not even sure what neighbourhood I was in, East Village? Greenwich? something like that.
One day I hope to have my entire location tattooed up my left arm. What does this mean? I'm thinking, the spot below the maple leaf should indicate the province of British Columbia (maybe the shield?), and below that I would have something indicating Vancouver (I don't know what yet). The spot above the leaf would be the earth with the North American side shown (I think I'd want it realistic looking), the spot above that will be the solar system (the planets and their paths of travel), then above that up onto my left shoulder I'd like our galaxy inked in. I figure this way, if I'm ever shot into space and I'm floating around and some other life form finds me, they'll be able to figure out where I came from. Or if I'm preserved pretty well in ice or a bog somewhere, if I'm found long into the future, they'd know where I was from too. I guess I also just like the idea of having my celestial address in pictograms emblazoned on me. Although, I almost got a firedancer tattoo this summer, except there were no appointment times available before I left for Gorge. Now I don't even think I want it anymore. I'm going to hold onto the address idea for a much longer while before I commit. Too many impulse tattoos may be sources of regret in the future, and anyone who knows me, knows that I abhor regret and have managed to avoid it thus far. I presume that's a positive result of over-thinking.