I'm on a misinformation roll here. Apparently U.S. officials are still telling their people that September 11th terrorists came from Canada (
article). In actuality, "investigators have determined that not one of the attackers entered the United States from Canada or Mexico." Not one. I feel bad for Americans for not knowing the truth about anything because they're all subject to rampant censorship and propaganda. Can you believe that the U.S. ambassador told our politicians not to criticize America, while they go ahead and say crap like this about us? You know, even though Canada's ambassador got a written apology for the comment, it doesn't mean the American public got to hear about it. So I guess they'll go on believing whatever is fed to them, can't blame them really, it's the people they trust that are lying to them. I also like that the Senator in question talks about security problems that "clearly exist on the border", and then cites examples of when people with plans of bombing
were stopped at the border. So the security problems are that bombers are being stopped from entering the country? Or that they exist at all? What are you saying Mr. Senator? This reminds me of one of the shakedowns I got at an airport on my way to New York. I was flying the day after that bipolar guy off his meds in Miami got shot upwards of six times by air marshals. I was having my Febreeze confiscated as some kind of dangerous weapon, so I told security that I had in fact purchased that Febreeze (with receipt still attached to the Duane Reade bag) in New York and had flown it across Canada and the border about 6 times this year before that day. She retorted with, "We have to maintain security, didn't you hear what happened yesterday in Miami?" All I could say was something like, "Yeah, so?", but I wanted to be my cheeky bastard self and say, "You mean the guy who didn't have a bomb? You're going to try and justify your fake security measures by citing an example where if you had absolutely no security, no guards, no dogs, no detectors of any kind, still nothing would have happened because he had no bomb, no weapons, and wasn't a terrorist? And by the way, what the hell does that have to do with Febreeze? You must have a quota to reach for the number of confiscated items at airport security huh?" I find that a lot of people tend to use inaccurate examples to reinforce their arguments, I hate not being able to call people on it, but I didn't want to get taken into the secret room with no camera or witnesses so I had to let it go.