On Sunday I was feeling the beginnings of a cold, and by Monday it was starting to pummel me with its first waves of destruction. In retaliation I took a dose of NyQuil Monday night after class and when my alarm went of for work Tuesday morning I e-mailed work to say I was staying home and then took another dose of NyQuil. I woke again at around 1 p.m. and took another dose of NyQuil before waking up again at about 6:30 p.m. I spent a few hours eating and drinking to replenish my stores before taking yet another dose of NyQuil to enjoy my fourth consecutive regenerative coma. When I woke up on Wednesday I was remarkably better, and after two more doses of the Quil I was good for work the next day (today). That's all it took, two straight days of NyQuil diet and my body has gained the upper hand on the viral grossness that has infected me. How I got through illness before NyQuil I do not know. I am continually amazed by NyQuil's awesome power, and you get it all without the hassle of altars or sacrifices!