"That kind of mistaken information is what prompted a new media campaign aimed at drivers who get high before they get behind the wheel.
Bob Rorison, who is now the local president of MADD, was injured in an accident by a driver who was high on cocaine and booze. The driver only served two months in jail."
COCAINE AND BOOZE! They're trying to tell me, and you, and everyone else, that driving while high on cocaine and drunk is the same as smoking a bowl??? You want to know why some misinformed people try 'serious' drugs after trying marijuana? Because the powers that be actually have people believing they're equivalent, and when they smoke pot, they realize that it's no big deal, and then assume that since, for example, cocaine is apparently the same as marijuana, that it would be alright to try that too. It's total shit! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! You will get no argument from me that you should get drunk and strung out drivers off the streets, but don't you dare try and say that some asshole at a road check who is all fucked up on cocaine (or heroin, or pcp, or crank, or whatever) and wasted on liquor is the equivalent of a stoned driver. Besides, alcohol on it's own or in combination with anything else will always produce dangerous driving. Do not ever come to me foaming at the mouth, spewing misinformation and then accuse the public of being misinformed. Police, government, lobby/activist groups fucking disgust me sometimes...okay, most times.