The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that swingers clubs don't harm society and shouldn't be considered illegal (article). They pointed out that community standards should not be how harm is judged. Right on, that's what I've been saying about the Conservative Party of Canada. Just because something is not popular with the majority (gay marriage for example) that doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed. Sometimes you have to have to stand up for what's right or what's fair, not what the majority wants, no matter how far removed it may be from your personal philosophies.
I guess this US judge will now be called a liberal tool just for applying the law, but here's some good news! I'm glad to see this ruling about intelligent design. The judge ruled that "that intelligent design cannot be taught in a Grade 9 biology class in Pennsylvania, saying it amounts to teaching a secular version of creationism." Further, he states that the school board policy violates the U.S. Constitution, and should be struck down "to preserve the separation of church and state." I guess George will just have to change the Constitution so that he can get this pseudoscience into schools. I often wonder how things we do today will look in the history books of the future, I worry that we're going to appear very very foolish.
Penn State University may have a complete genome of the woolly mammoth genome in about a year! (article) A 28,000 year old mammoth jaw bone containing DNA was found in Siberia this summer by a team led by Hendrik Poinar, an anthropologist at Hamilton's McMaster University. I can't wait to find out what kind of information they'll gather about this extinct giant! I'm such a geek.