I can't say I have any intimate knowledge about what is in the UN declaration on native rights document that Canada, New Zealand, the United States and Australia are dissenting on. But I do know this; there are only five countries in the world who are known for their specialized or unique indigenous, native, aboriginal, etc. issues/situations that are unlike any other place on the planet (Scandinavia being the other). I have a little bit of knowledge on this because I work in a First Nations branch of the Federal Government so there is a lot of sharing between those specific governments but no others.
My point is this; the headline, "
Canada to vote against UN declaration on native rights", is meant to make us look bad - and that's what many will think. But the fact is the declaration is just a non-binding political statement, and the people who are signing on happen to be from countries that don't know what the heck they're talking about when it comes to native issues in other countries. So, especially since Australia is on board, I'm going to say that they probably had good reasons to dissent. But I'm still curious as to what exactly they are...
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