We camped at the amphitheatre with a friend from Halifax and two more from Ohio. At the venue I met up with my DMB people who came from Minnesota, California, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc.
And then in the venue on N1 I ran into a DMB friend I met in Amsterdam on the Spring Tour.
Beautiful venue, music, and people...it just doesn't get better than that. It's cheese and corn, but sometimes during the shows, when I do a panoramic scan to take in the Columbia River gorge, the tens of thousands pulsing positive energy, the band and stage display, and the blanket of stars above us as the moon rises over the campsite beyond...I get a little teary at the joyous beauty. It's like being wrapped in happiness and friends. Which makes it so hard to leave, and so easy to rush back to year after year.
See you in 2008 for my 8th Gorge in a row!
Pictures from Gorge 2007 will be up on Flickr as soon as I can, but Priority One is repairing my busted up motorcycle, and booking travel to DMB at Shoreline and Hollywood Bowl - this summer tour doesn't end until October!
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