Monday, June 25, 2007


One thing I love about our political culture is how fond we are of the ribbing politicians give each other. I'm talking about the witty and funny stuff, not so much the malicious, incoherent yelling the John Baird is so fond of.

Last week, in response to the Conservative Party's sponsorship of a Dodge stock car on the Canadian NASCAR circuit, Liberal leader Stephan Dion, a long-time environmentalist had this to say;

"We learned this week that the Conservative Party of Canada is sponsoring a car in the NASCAR circuit," Dion said in a speech wrapping up the Commons sitting.

"This car gets just 2 miles to the gallon; it burns almost 600 litres of high-octane fuel every race. It looks like the Conservatives have finally found a climate-change plan they can support."

Maybe I'm just that geeky, but it sure made me laugh!

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