Sporadic Non Sequiturs
"A move is underway to make Jesus Christ the honorary king of Poland"Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently this is to be expected because the citizens are hardcore Roman Catholic. Not only that, but this is the country that made Mary (mother of Jesus) its honorary queen because they believed she helped them win a battle with Sweden(!).
"And they are not obliged to follow those occupations, if they prefer leisure to emolument."
-John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
"Industry Minister Maxime Bernier told the companies the government hadn't made up its mind about the future of Canada's space role and didn't want to go forward with the project."Also of interest is the fact that the U.S. was promoting this deal and has also signed off on having Canadian companies design robotics components for its moon mission slated for 2020.
"In the 1988 federal election the Bloc Quebecois did not exist. Gilles Duceppe was elected in a by-election two years later as an independent, not as a Bloc candidate. Despite having no seats in Parliament, no official recognition from the Speaker and only 75 candidates out of 295 ridings, the Bloc Quebecois was included in both the French and English debates. The Bloc has never fielded a candidate outside Quebec but continues to participate in debates in both official languages.
In the 1988 general election, the Reform Party ran 72 candidates, received 276,000 votes and won no seats. By the time of the 1993 election, the Reform Party’s only sitting member was Deborah Grey following her win in a 1989 by-election. Reform did not have Official Party status and did not win a seat in the 1988 election but Preston Manning participated in the 1993 leaders’ debate, based on the 11,154 votes Deborah Grey received in a 1989 by-election with a 47 per cent turnout. In 1993, the party ran only 207 candidates.
In 2004 and 2006, the Green Party ran a full slate of 308 candidates and won 583,000 and 664,000 votes respectively, over double the Reform Party’s performance in 1988.
In 1979, the Social Credit Party was excluded from the debate despite the fact that it had 11 seats in Parliament at the time of dissolution. And in 1997, both the NDP and Progressive Conservatives were included in the debate despite not having Official Party status.
In 1993, 1997 and 2000 five leaders participated in the televised debates. This was reduced to four following the merger of the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservatives in 2003. Fair play, democratic equity and precedent demands that a fifth spot now be opened for a new national leader to join the debate. Five parties received over 2 per cent of the vote in 2004 and 2006 and all five should appear in the next leaders’ debate."
"A recent study shows the chasm between rich and poor is growing. Last year, those in the top fifth of wealth distribution had a median net worth of about $551,000 while for families in the bottom fifth, the value of their assets never exceeded the value of their debts. Where do you place yourself on the 'wealth' scale?"The possible answers are "Top 20%", "Top 40%", "Right in the middle", "Bottom 40%", and "Bottom 20%".
"Of the total household wealth in Canada in 2005, the top 20 per cent possessed 75 per cent of it."This article focuses more on the cost of housing as a factor in the widening gap between the rich and the poor in Canada.
"Most of those (95 per cent) in the top 20 per cent bracket owned a home, and the median value of that home grew by $75,000 between 1999 and 2005. Only six per cent of those in the lowest wealth group owned a home."
"Statistics Canada said the median net worth of the poorest group has stagnated over the past two decades. 'The value of their assets never exceeded the value of their debts during the 1984 to 2005 period.'"
"I have never injured anybody with a mordant poem; my verse contains charges against nobody. Ingenuous, I have shunned wit steeped in venom - not a letter of mine is dipped in poisonous jest."
"The authors note that "many people in high-income countries — somewhat paradoxically — are among the poorest people in the world in terms of household wealth" because they have large debts."This means that those who have at least $2,200 in household wealth and can be considered 'middle class' are only a tiny portion of the total world population. Scarier still is that the 50% of the population below that has to make to with splitting only 1% of the wealth.
"The video speaks for itself. It's very strong evidence, that video," [Judge] McCarroll said. "He's taking pictures. The next thing is, you know, he's down on the ground with three officers on him."The versions of the story told by the police are contradictory and inconsistent, and I didn't even get into how they set him up via his blog and then tried to deny any knowledge of knowing who he was before seeing him at the protest.
Police had testified earlier in the week that LeBlanc resisted during his arrest, but McCarroll held up a picture of the police walking LeBlanc peacefully across the lobby of the conference centre. "This doesn't look to me like someone who is resisting arrest."
"I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project," said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman.
'A project of Cornell University's Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy and an alliance of academics called the Simplicity Forum, the group promotes Oct. 24 as a day to find a work-life balance and begin healing what it calls the "epidemic of overwork, overscheduling and time famine."' (article)So I thought, hey, maybe I can take part in relaxing... until I realized that the 24th was today. I've been at my day job since 7:30 this morning. After work I'm running across town to another office to work on a contract job I'm doing for another Federal department. I'll need to squeeze in a quick trim with my stylist (luckily in the same building) before driving through three towns to get to school. I won't get out of class until after 10 p.m. tonight when I can finally think about getting home. There's certainly no time for dinner or any relaxation, because by the time I get back home, it'll be long past my sleep time. So thanks Take Back Your Time Day, but I regret that I won't be able to do any of your suggested activities like "visit elderly relatives, cancel an appointment, plant a tree, meditate or go for a long walk."
"Don't eat potatoes after using them for a battery."