Wednesday, December 06, 2006

$2,200.00 USD

Sadly, having just $2,200 in wealth (household wealth was defined as the value of physical and financial assets minus debts) is all you'd need to be placed in the top half of the world's wealth distribution - but only the bottom 49% of that top half. The newest figures show that this distribution sees 1% of the total world population holding 40% of the planet's wealth. Meanwhile, "the bottom half of the world makes do with barely one per cent" of the world's wealth.
"The authors note that "many people in high-income countries — somewhat paradoxically — are among the poorest people in the world in terms of household wealth" because they have large debts."
This means that those who have at least $2,200 in household wealth and can be considered 'middle class' are only a tiny portion of the total world population. Scarier still is that the 50% of the population below that has to make to with splitting only 1% of the wealth.

So we have major problems income and distribution of wealth inequality that seem to be getting worse every year. The rich get richer and poor die off while trying to get a portion of the world's wealth scraps.

Disheartening isn't it?


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