Thursday, November 16, 2006

I Love A Rainy Night

We had a wicked storm come through the South Coast yesterday that kicked up 100 km/h winds, knocked out power, and contaminated our three water reservoirs with dirt and mud (article). 125,000 people are still without power (down from the 200,000 from last night) and the whole Greater Vancouver Area was just placed under a boil water advisory. We're talking, all residents, businesses, the works, have to boil water before using it in any way - except for showers...just don't gulp down any water while you're in there.

The storm also allegedly knocked down a four story building that was under construction. Four floors of steel girders came crashing down crushing several cars - remarkably, not a single person was hurt. The construction crew happened to be on a break at the time of the accident, and nobody was in any of the squashed cars. The Sea to Sky highway had to be closed for several hours because too many trees had fallen across the road, and there is flooding everywhere.

And it isn't over yet; a new front is moving in and we already have a heavy rainfall warning for this weekend!


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