I can't believe that I just read an entire article, covering several laws, energy conservation legislation, comments from the World Wildlife Fund and Ontario's Energy Minister that is all about ending a ban on clotheslines.
Yes, clotheslines.
"Peter Love said clothesline bans were passed at a time when priorities were different, and the time has come for people to "have the right to dry their clothes outside.""For some unknown archaic reason, having clotheslines out to dry laundry is currently illegal in many areas of Ontario. There seems to be entirely too much discussion, consultation, sound and fury, and expounding experts for such a simple and rather unimportant issue. Should we allow clotheslines? Consumer's can save up to $30 a year in energy bills if they hang 25% of their laundry outside! "Before clotheslines can become legal, Phillips said the province is asking for public input over the next two months."!
"The Liberals passed an energy conservation leadership law shortly after their election in 2003 that included a clause allowing the province to abolish local bans on clotheslines imposed by residential associations or developers through sale agreements."This is serious business!
For frak's sake just change the rules! What is the big deal? It's clotheslines! And now I've wasted my (and your) time with even more discussion on clotheslines. Yeesh.
"The province is asking the public for input on how best to end the clothesline bans through a 60-day posting on Ontario's Environmental Registry."My suggestion? Just end the ban. Plain and simple. Much like a clothesline.
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