Here's what I took home from the Forum:
-The Public Service will not be motivated to adjust the status quo by hiring true Gen X and Ys when they can hire people of Gen X/Y age who have Traditionalist and Baby Boomer values and attitudes.
-Edmonton is too cold, flat, and empty.
-And many quotes...
"Before the average was 2.5 children per family. Now it's 1.2 children. A full child and a coupe of legs running around."
"Powerful right? You hear a song, 'Ah yes, I remember that summer...' Or, as many Boomers remind us, 'We don't remember that summer.'"
"People are not like rocks."
"These generations don't respect people in their positions unless it is earned. Just because you exist, it doesn't make you competent."
"It's the 'Bums In The Seats Principle' - if I can't see you, you're not working."
"And this is what we call being professional? All dress in the same suits, don't show too much emotion, don't use too many adjectives..."
"Boomers are about 'Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll', and Xs are about the fear of sex, drugs and rock and roll."
"You can get this free encryption service. Now, this is basic encryption: the CIA can break it, the RCMP can ask the CIA to break it..."

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