June 16, 2006 13:15
I was standing in line to buy stamps when a man on a cell phone joined the queue behind me.
"Yeah, uh huh. I'm supposed to see another psychiatrist to discuss things that I can't with you out of respect for our friendship."
He stops to listen to his friend talk and I wonder what he won't talk about. My turn comes up to and I walk up to the counter. During the ordering process I lose track of the conversation but catch it again when he comes up to the wicket next to me.
"Yeah. I really want to see this new psychologist so that I can finally talk about rape."
!!! What?? Do people on cell phones think that they are in a cone of silence? And if that isn't the thing he won't discuss out of 'respect for their friendship', then what is?? And yes, he did refer to his confidante as both a psychiatrist and a psychologist. At this point my transaction is done and I walk out the door wondering what the hell is going on in that little man's life. Literally. He was shorter than me.