The fans that DMB has been collecting by putting out such albums as Everyday and Stand Up irritate the shit out of me. Among many other things, they sit down during the show or simply ignore huge chunks of it, they go ballistic when Dave sticks his arm out signaling the beginning of Dreamgirl, they yell loudly to each other and into their cell phones during songs as precious as Cry Freedom or Christmas Song, they care only for Dave and ignore the other 4+ equal partners, they call LeRoi 'Leroy', and they simply don't care about the music. Basically, these are the people who only think, say, or do things that have come into public favour at any given moment. However there are moments when I am reminded, no matter how many concerts they do their best to ruin for the rest of us, that they do have their uses.
I entered the Molson Amphitheatre last night and headed for one of the barricaded areas for security checks. I was standing there with a couple of guys doing a scenic pan and suddenly found myself face to face with LeRoi Moore. All I could say was, "Holy shit! Look who's standing right fucking there!" So I took his picture (poorly), shook his hand, and thanked him for being such an amazing musician. He thanked me, found the people he was waiting for, and disappeared back into the secret passageways of the venue.
Now LeRoi had been standing there for several minutes chatting with the bodyguard and a security guard who accompanied him, talking on his cell phone, and generally standing around. He was doing all of this while standing smack in the middle of a sea of thousands of "fans" who were heading into the show. Only a very small handful of us even noticed him. So in situations like these, let those fickle fans think that Dave Matthews is the only member of the band! While they're getting drunk and bragging into their cell phones about how cool they are, the rest of us can have an undisturbed moment with the amazing LeRoi Moore.