It's going to kick ass. No bones. I just found out about 30 seconds ago that The Warehouse confirmed all 13 of my ticket requests for this summer. This means that I will be going to 13 Dave Matthews Band shows in: Toronto, ON, Darien Lake, NY, Saratoga Springs, NY (x2), East Troy, WI (x2), Charlottesville, VA (x2), Gorge, WA (x3), and New York, NY (x2). Bringing my total show viewings up to 43. Sure, I'll be out of a job in a month, but I'll be racking up the debt traversing the land and riding a giant wave of musical joy. I'm also taking a wicked Psych class this summer term and found out that a friend of mine is taking it too. I wonder who will join me in my travelling escapades this time? Regardless, I predict lots of laughs, sun, riding, and good times. So in this tiny moment between term paper deadlines and final exams, I'm going to tune it all out and bask in the glow of the glorious months to come.