I was walking down some street in Manhattan when I ran into a crush of humans bottlenecked between sidewalk vendors. As I was weaving my way through the crowd, I watched women grabbing at the fake designer bags being sold off the pavement. One woman picked out a bag as I was approaching her and asked, "How much for this one?" The seller replied, "Forty-five." She didn't want to pay that much and stood there blankly saying, "Oh. Hmm." Quickly the vendor said, "Okay, how much you want to pay? You tell me how much." The lady answered, "Ahh. Hmm." So he repeated, "How much? You tell me!" By this point I was directly in her blind spot, and as I slid past behind her, under my breath over her shoulder with my back to the vendor, I whispered, "Say twenty." And continued to walk past her. I didn't look back, but I heard her movement and could feel her looking to see who had spoken in her ear. Then I heard her say, "Um. Twenty?" and the seller answered, "Yeah, okay, twenty dollars!" I smiled to myself and disappeared into the crowd.