Often when somebody says something, it reminds me of a song, either because they've said the exact lyric out of one or because it's similar enough to a lyric. My instinctual reaction is to immediately sing it back to the person, much to their confusion. In Psych class we've talked a lot about 'memory', but the one time the prof referred to the plural form 'memories', I instantly started to sing "Memories, like the corners of my mind, misty water coloured memories, of the way we were, etc." Why? I don't know. Can't help myself. But many times nobody has said a lyric I know, just something close, so I simply write a new little ditty on the fly. These little impromptu songs are maximum silly since they come off the top of my head (or back of my neck if you prefer). Last week I was at my aunt's house for dinner, after we ate she started loading dishes into the dishwasher and said, "Looks like it's going to be a three load day." So obviously, I turned and replied by singing the tune of 'Three Blind Mice' with new words.
Three load day,
Three load day,
She went after them with a scrubby brush,
They cowered under the faucet rush,
Three load day,
Three load day.