Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glimmer Of Hope?

The opinion poll tide is turning in Canada and more and more Canadians are turning their backs on the Conservative Party.

Can this be true? Is it sustainable? Do I dare to hope?

The Globe & Mail published this story today, asking if Canadians will "throw the bums out" if a Spring election was called. Polls show that Conservative support is in a remarkable slide, while Liberal fortunes are on the rise.

Why now? After all the bullying, American-style leadership, right-wing, evangelical, and plain evil that Harper has been bringing us for four years, what has caused people to finally say they've had enough? Proroguing Parliament. Again.

The second time Harper decided to prorogue to stem the loss of political points, he thought that if anyone cared at all, that they'd be on his side. I'll admit that as much as I care and opposed it (the first and second time) I thought the same thing as Steve - if the masses were on his side the first time, eating up lies about how our Parliamentary system works, why would it be any different the second time? I'm as surprised as he is over the public's reaction. And it appears that no amount of politicking around Haiti has reduced the prorogation ire.

I think I will allow myself a sliver of hope that Canadians will sustain their disgust, and will reject another round of Conservative leadership. I do so not only for the good of Parliament, but because I want to believe that Canadians don't hold the same views and perspectives on the world that Harper does.

Besides, I would find it endlessly amusing if Harper's decision to prorogue, a unilateral move he hoped would save his dictatorship, proves to be his undoing.

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