Thursday, November 06, 2008


Maybe it's because I have a stupid head cold, but today's news made me chuckle with ridicule and shake my head.


Headline: Alberta wants in on climate negotiations with U.S. (Premier says Alberta should have a seat at the table when Ottawa negotiates a deal with the United States)
Reaction: You and your oil sands are not more important than Canada or the welfare of the planet! Who do you think you are? Quebec??

Headline: No more free rides, Dion warns Harper (Liberal Leader says his MPs will vote based on merits of legislation, even if it means another election)
Reaction: This coming from the outgoing leader who won't have to suffer the consequences. And by the way, you want to force an election when you have no leader?

Headline: Ottawa will look into infrastructure fund delays: Baird
Reaction: *groan* How many more years of Baird do we have to endure?

Headline: Harper may run budget deficit
Reaction: He squanders the amazing budget that was handed to him when he was elected and promised to not run a deficit if he were re-elected this year. He can blame it on the economy, but the reason Paul Martin, as Finance Minister, padded in a surplus was for exactly this kind of situation.

So it goes.

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