Friday, November 28, 2008

"A mean little man obsessed with revenge"

Wookiee sent me this link to a wonderful little column that Rick Mercer submitted to the Globe and Mail. It's a criticism of Harper's plan to stem the current economic crisis by attacking our democracy. I will copy it below.

Yesterday Harper actually tried to claim that his plan to financially cripple his political opponents would be helpful to Canadians. If he means it will help us reduce our political options, eliminate different voices and viewpoints, and force us into an American-style system where you can choose between the conservative guy or the really conservative guy, then yes, he'll be helping us.

Like a trip to Baskin Robbins
Globe and Mail Update
November 28, 2008 at 3:09 PM EST

Okay we just might as well admit it and get it over with. Stephen Harper is a genius.

Here we are faced with a global economic crisis. Nations all over the world are struggling to figure out how to protect their citizens — who are terrified. We've seen unheard of cooperation between political rivals all over the industrialized world.

But not in Canada. Not with Stephen Harper. Not on his watch. No my friends, he has one goal and one goal only and it has nothing to do with governing: how can he use this crisis to destroy the opposition?

And wouldn't you know, he almost did it.

Stephen Harper decided Canada doesn't need a stimulus package; all we needed to do was cancel the subsidy that political parties get.

Which would have saved the government about $26-million. That's about the same amount Harper spends on bodyguards every year when he visits danger zones like Thunder Bay or Nunavut.

But the real upside for Harper, of course, is that the entire opposition would have been crippled or destroyed. It gives me great faith to know that as our economy crumbles Harper is on the case trying to come up with new an innovative ways to cutback the Green Party's office budget and bankrupt the Liberals. And then the world will be a better place.

Maybe he has a point. Maybe that's why Canada keeps refusing to give the man a majority. It's not because he's a mean little man obsessed with revenge, but because we just have too many choices. We go to the voting booth and get confused. Like that first trip to Baskin Robbins.

Maybe we'd all just be better off if Conservative was the only flavour on the menu.

Well we almost found out. Because if Stephen Harper got his way on this, democracy would have changed forever. And not a single citizen will have gotten to vote on the matter.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Spage is...

...waiting at the snowed-in airport because her flight home was delayed
again. Earlier today, Spage enjoyed the Farmer's Market next door to the
hotel in Halifax.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Spage is... McKelvie's in Halifax, ready to dig into her steak and lobster,
having already enjoyed a wonderful crab bisque.

Spage is...

...extremely impressed with Rachel's ability to rip apples in half with her
bare hands. Look how perfect it is!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Spage is...

...watching my friend rock the stage.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Spage is...

...watching/listening to a band in an underground bar in Halifax.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Spage is...

...eating a wicked seafood platter of fish, clams, scallops, and shrimp at
Jean's Home Cooked Meals & Seafood in Moncton, NB.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Furthering Confusion

This sign is on the main doors of the airport.

Spage is... the Moncton, NB airport - I think. The welcome sign to Dieppe is throwing me off.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Maybe it's because I have a stupid head cold, but today's news made me chuckle with ridicule and shake my head.


Headline: Alberta wants in on climate negotiations with U.S. (Premier says Alberta should have a seat at the table when Ottawa negotiates a deal with the United States)
Reaction: You and your oil sands are not more important than Canada or the welfare of the planet! Who do you think you are? Quebec??

Headline: No more free rides, Dion warns Harper (Liberal Leader says his MPs will vote based on merits of legislation, even if it means another election)
Reaction: This coming from the outgoing leader who won't have to suffer the consequences. And by the way, you want to force an election when you have no leader?

Headline: Ottawa will look into infrastructure fund delays: Baird
Reaction: *groan* How many more years of Baird do we have to endure?

Headline: Harper may run budget deficit
Reaction: He squanders the amazing budget that was handed to him when he was elected and promised to not run a deficit if he were re-elected this year. He can blame it on the economy, but the reason Paul Martin, as Finance Minister, padded in a surplus was for exactly this kind of situation.

So it goes.