Leatherback turtles are the most endangered of the world's turtles and in response to
this article I am doing my part to raise awareness of their plight.

Leatherbacks are one of the many animals of the sea who travel all over the globe in search of food. Research has shown that the turtle, which can reach 2.75 metres in length and weigh over 900 kilograms, roam from the South China Sea to the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific. Leatherbacks are not only larger than all other sea turtles in the world, they are the biggest reptiles on the planet.

Scientists tracked one turtle by satellite on a 20,000 kilometre journey from Indonesia to America before the transmitter's battery ran out. Leatherbacks, and other turtles, face dangers such as ingesting debris (read: human garbage) and multinational fisheries as they struggle to survive but we do little to nothing to protect them at sea.
"It will be the responsibility of many countries to ensure the species survives in the Pacific Ocean for future generations," Benson said.
"It's an animal that doesn't recognize international boundaries. You can protect the nesting beaches, but if you can't protect the animal in the water, you haven't done anything."

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