On Thursday last I wrote a rather bombastic letter to the mayor and city council of Vancouver in an attempt to have them alter a bothersome road sign on my commute. I'm rather pleased with how it turned out.
My letter, sent April 26, 2007, with my personal info edited:
Honourable Sam Sullivan and esteemed Council members,
Every day on my commute into downtown Vancouver as I head North on Oak Street, I drive under a sign at Douglas Crescent (W 19th on the West side of Oak) that directs you to turn left to enter the "City Center". This may seem like a small thing to the members of Council, but it disturbs me and several people I've mentioned it to and therefore feel that it is an appropriate matter to bring to your attention.
So much of what makes us Canadian is slowly eroding away as we become more and more integrated with other nations and this sign does not respect a basic tenet of our society; our language. I hope that our city Council will support my suggestion that this sign be either fixed or replaced with the word "Centre" spelled as we would in this country. The current incorrect spelling reminds me every morning of our inability to respect our heritage, protect our education system, or care about the impact of things that don't make big headlines.
We already have a populace who is in the beginning stages of being unaware that in Canada we use two 'l's in 'traveller' or that when we short form dates it should be listed as day/month/year rather than the American system of month/day/year. If we are unable to muster concern over these little things, soon we will lose the 'u' in our honour and forget our history - we will forget where our language comes from and why it is as we read and hear it today. And if we're willing to say that it's 'good enough', where are our values, self-respect, or drive to be better and show it?
Again, I hope this petition is taken seriously as I do find it to be a serious matter. None of the big problems can be fixed without looking at the principles and bases of what makes us who we are. If we are willing to be indifferent about our culture where will this leave us? Thousands of people see that sign every day, and whether they chose to or not they are affected by it. Everything around us has an effect on our beings - we can't escape it, so I will remain optimistic that our Council will see fit to spend a few minutes in their busy schedules and imagine what kind of Canada we'd like to build in our corner of the country.
Thank you for your time and attention.
The next morning I received this reply:
Thank you for your email which has been circulated for information to the Mayor, Councillors, City Manager, and forwarded to the attention of Engineering Services.
An hour and a half later I get a reply from a councillor:
Dear Spage,
I agree and I will have our staff make the change.
Raymond Louie
Councillor, City of Vancouver
This morning (Monday) I got another e-mail:
Hi Spage, the sign will be changed to the correct spelling.
Mike Markovic
City of Vancouver
Traffic Management
And then this afternoon another follow-up e-mail:
Dear Spage,
After communications with staff, I'm advised by Traffic Operations that this sign should be replaced within a couple of weeks. The exact schedule will have to be fitted in with some special-event work they are doing, but it will be installed very shortly.
Raymond Louie
Councillor, City of Vancouver
How exciting! My pride cup runneth over.
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