Sporadic Non Sequiturs
"For 15 years, residents in Androscoggin County in Maine have reported seeing and hearing an animal weigh[ing] about 20 kilograms...ha[s] a bushy tail, a short snout, short ears and curled fangs hanging over its lips with glowing eyes and a chilling cry."Well, some mysterious animal was hit by a car and they think this might be their beast, so DNA tests are currently being conducted in Toronto. If I see an update about it, I'll post it here!
Pluto, which is smaller than Earth's moon, doesn't fit the new criteria for a planet: "a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a … nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit."I'm definitely happy about this decision, especially since a week ago we were in danger of having a definition that would have included Pluto and 3 other celestial bodies for a total of 12 planets in the solar system. I thought that would be a mistake, and it seems the astronomers agreed with me. And the funniest thing about the article? Well, it's trying to make it seem like this new classification is a really big deal, but the best "implication" that they could come up with, is that students will have to find a new mnemonic device to remember the names and order of the planets. Oh no! Not only is that incredibly easy and simple to do, but when I was in elementary school, we managed to remember that information just fine without a mnemonic device. Guess it just isn't 'news' unless it fucks with your life somehow.
"RCMP in Powell River are investigating the death of a five-year-old girl who ran out into traffic on Highway 101 on Saturday…police say speed and alcohol are not believed to be factors in the death."I believe that "victim ran into highway traffic" is the contributing factor here don't you think?