I just got home from a regional all-staff meeting that was held at the Hilton Metrotown. It was one of those long-winded quasi-conferences where the speakers droned and mumbled while we attendees stuffed our faces with free food and drink. Thankfully, having already endured some embarrassing presentations, I escaped before the choir could close out the event. My table of delinquents passed the time by going through the usual meeting shenanigans; writing insulting/comedic/nonsense phrases on the provided name tags, sticking those name tags on each others' agendas, bodies and drink tumblers, playing tic tac toe and hangman, and dropping foreign items (like cheese cubes) into each others' coffee. Not to be outdone I started taking the backings of those name tags and started folding paper cranes and tiny origami people in kimonos. My co-worker was soon demanding I make her a wagon to pull all of these little characters around, so using only sticker backings and the remaining edges of name tag that were adhesive I came up with a design and got to work. Sometime during the Public Health Agency's presentation on disaster preparedness I finished the wagon (pictured). It's wheels don't turn and it's being towed by two cranes, but I have to say it's not too shabby considering the materials I had available to me. Now I need a new concept for the next conference...maybe frogs on boats?