Wookiee and I were talking the other day about religious labels. I was being subjected to Karaoke Xmas Carols at work for a manager sponsored 'party'. I was on the phone with Wookiee and commented that I refused to sing praise to God. Carol after carol came on talking about the faithful, adoring Him, worship, Jesus, and all that shit. I mean, I won't even sing the God line in my own National Anthem ("God keep our land"), I just join back in at "glorious and free". Now to be fair, ChristMass is mostly all about that religious stuff (except to me it's just the commercialism side), so people should take part in whatever they want, I'm not condemning it, I just don't take part. Anyway, we got on a tangent about how we define ourselves in this respect. Wookiee said that we are, of course, atheists. I agreed, but pointed out that it's not quite accurate, for example, our after death beliefs, while not identical, are more complex than a single currently accepted word can define. I don't like to use the term "other", because I do find it necessary to make it clear that this is a No God Zone. So I suggested a modification of terminology that will be my new answer for those who ask where my spiritual tendencies lie - I think, that Wookiee and I, are Atheist Plus.