Saturday, September 12, 2009

Local Top Gear

Too bad the plate isn't on a much nicer car. Like that brand new Gallardo Spyder I saw downtown yesterday...yum!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Debate Reform

Tom Axworthy's think tank has come up with a report and recommendations for how campaign debates should be run in Canada. I'd have to say that I'm on board with most of these recommendations, but I don't know if I can agree to having Gilles blocked from the English language debate. The reason stated in the article (that Quebec Anglophones would be denied access to his debate) is an excellent reason, but mine is selfish - I just love hearing him speak and what he has to say to the other leaders. But the best thing in there would have to be about taking away the power from the insane networks that control who can debate and when. That nonsense last year with Jack and Steve trying to block Liz from the debate? Insane crap. Let's get Elections Canada involved!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

LeRoi Moore - Not Forgotten

After Dave Matthews Band (DMB) co-founder LeRoi Moore passed away last summer, the band continued their tour and played a video tribute to their fallen saxophonist during encore breaks. The video was set to the beautiful song #34 and I haven't seen it since last year. On September 7th this year, the day that would have been his 48th birthday, DMB presented a new web page dedicated to celebrating LeRoi's memory. The site is fairly extensive and I found the video, so I'm embedding it here. Thanks for the memories LeRoi!

Find more videos like this on LeRoi Moore

McLaren's New 600bhp Supercar

It's called the MP4-12C and isn't scheduled to go on sale until 2011, but the teasers are out and the car is hot.

-3.8 litre V8 twin turbo developing 600bhp
-0 to 60mph in 3.4 seconds
-lowest carbon output per hp of any car currently on the market (including hybrids)

A short vid from the BBC here shows some interesting features of this F1 inspired car.

Monday, September 07, 2009


Brabe and I got entirely too excited about being near these bad boys!

Saturday, September 05, 2009


Post-rain storm a phenomenal, intense double rainbow appeared (that this
pic does not do justice), and post-rainbow the pink sunset ruled the stage

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Overheard In The Office #4

"I can't watch that movie."

"Why not?"

"I can't watch Tom Cruise movies because I'm distracted by his tooth. Every time I see him, all I can think is: tipped lateral incisor!"