Our Prime Minister has it in for Canada and our political institutions. He never respected those institutions and now he's moving to disassemble them because they are roadblocks on his path to becoming the head of state for Canada. Is this alarmist? Hardly. In
this editorial by Rick Mercer, who should be The Official Opposition of the House, around the recent coalition/prorogue mess he points out that the Conservatives are publicly alluding to these plans. And this is not news if you take into consideration many of the smaller actions Harper has taken to subtly move Canada into step with America. Remember fixed election dates? Harper insisting on being the mouthpiece of the government even though it is made up of 308 elected Members of Parliament? That he's
evangelical? Declining to name a Deputy PM? His desire to make judges and Senators elected? His instance that it is his right to choose who asks questions at press conferences? Refusing to participate in media scrums outside of the Commons? Taking a
motorcade from his front door to the Governor Generals house - across the street? It all sounds very Bushy in nature.
There is one good thing about Harper; in hockey he has a preference for an overtime period in lieu of a shoot-out. Who could disagree with that?