I'm in Charlottesville, Virginia and loving it! This place is amazing; the landscape, the architecture, the people, the wine, the music, and everything in between makes C-Ville one great town. I left Vancouver early Wednesday afternoon and America West flew me to Phoenix, then Las Vegas, through Philadelphia, and then into Charlottesville late Thursday morning.

It was pure exhaustion. Not to be defeated by a brain numbing lack of sleep, after meeting the "Inn Keeper" of this hostel/bed & breakfast (
Alexander House) and a couple of the guests, I cleaned up and started driving. I explored the countryside and discovered endless curvy roads through plains and wooded hills that made me wish I was riding a motorcycle.

I visited a couple of the local wineries and ended up at
Blenheim Vineyards, which is Dave Matthews' vineyard.

I bought six bottles of wine and have no idea how I'm getting them home.

Next I cruised some more, with the rental car sun roof open so that I could enjoy the brilliant day that it was, and made my way to
The Best of What's Around organic farm, which is Dave Matthews' farm.

The farm store was closed for the summer and a sign was posted saying that their produce could be purchased at the Scottsville Farmer's Market on Thursdays. Lucky for me it was Thursday, so I went down to Scottsville and checked out the little Farmer's Market.

While I was in town I went to a local cafe and had a coffee and deep fried mozzarella sticks at one of their sidewalk tables. Along with a cigarette. Ah, so health conscious! I swung by the
Monticello visitor's centre, decided not to go in, and instead drove downtown. I headed for the top of the parkade that I walked up to four years ago and took an almost identical series of pictures. Except these ones were on a digital rather than disposable camera, and done at 4:30 in the afternoon, instead of the crack of dawn. These pictures are mostly of the
Pink Warehouse, where Dave Matthews Band played their first gig 15 years ago on the roof.

I wandered the pedestrian mall that is historic downtown Charlottesville and ran into Crumbo, a taper I met at Alpine Valley in July. I hope he's taping this weekend! Later, I ate at an outdoor table at
The Hardware Store Restaurant - a local institution. After getting a little tipsy on Whisky Sours, I walked it off and drove back to the hostel to prepare for a live show that wasn't DMB. The hostel was deserted when I returned and I found out that I had the whole house to myself until the next day. So I padded about like it was my home and pretended to live in this cute little house in Charlottesville. I think I'm certifiable. Anyway, at about 10 p.m. I walked downtown to
to catch
John D'earth and his amazing band jazz up the joint. Dawn Thompson sang on some songs as well, and they were all phenomenal. Incidentally, Miller's is where Dave Matthews used to bartend (notice a theme here?), and is where he met the first members of the band and convinced them to play with him. Miller's is also a local institution, where John D'earth has played Thursday nights "for like, 20 years!" said the t-shirt vendor.

And now I've made it back to the hostel. I've been given a lock key and helmet to use the hostel bicycle. Mare, the inn keeper, has been so wonderful and generous, but I don't think I really want to ride the bicycle. Now I have to, or her feelings will be hurt. Jeez. Where the hell am I going to ride to? Up that hill or the other one? This does not jive with my coffee, fried food, and cigarette regimen. Tomorrow the influx of DMB fans from all over North America and probably beyond will begin in earnest. I hope I can find some of the folks I've met over the summer, but even if I don't, I've already had a fantastic trip - and it's only been one day.